Project Neon - Status Update, May 2023

>>>> Please checkout our previous update here if you haven't yet <<<< 

Hello everyone! 👋

Before anything else, we'd like to apologize for the lack of communication since our last update in October. This has definitely not been up to our standards, and it's something we'll make sure to address with more frequent updates in the future.

We'd also like to acknowledge the rather long development time again. As mentioned in previous updates, we unfortunately encountered significant delays with some of our larger ambitions, particularly with implementing an actual FM capable sound driver. This alone took a considerable amount of time and involved multiple people and attempts to get it right. However, we wouldn't have wanted to miss out on this, and the same goes for many other areas where we prioritized adding more depth rather than rushing or leaving out specific elements.

That being said, we certainly don't want this game to become the next Duke Nukem Forever. So, to expedite things from this point onward, we're happy to announce that after an extensive search, we recently found and onboarded a new developer to the team. They have hit the ground running and are fully dedicated to helping us finish the remaining parts of the game (as detailed in our last update).

To further improve ongoing communications from here, please expect more details on progress, as well as new footage popping up over the next days and weeks via @FULLSET_collect on Twitter.

Thank you again for everyone's support and patience, and please don't hesitate to contact us directly if you have any other questions or concerns.